


根农场 started as a community garden in 2009 and has blossomed into a 10-acre vibrant outdoor classroom on the edge of McDonogh’s campus. 不断变化的景观, 通风的谷仓, 温室, 蜂房, 还有风度翩翩的鸡和火鸡, Roots is a popular teaching and learning space used by faculty in all disciplines from prekindergarten through twelfth grade.

在任何一天, you will find students cultivating and harvesting crops; studying the plant, 昆虫, and animal life; and preparing recipes in the Roots Culinary Kitchen with ingredients grown on the farm. 他们喜欢弄脏自己的手, 发现食物是如何生长的, and working together to sustain the farm operations. 结果是, they gain a greater appreciation for the connection between the environment, 健康, 社会, 和食物.

The bulk of produce harvested by our students and community volunteers is donated to the Maryland Food Bank’s 农场到食品银行项目. 我们的食堂也供应这些农产品, and a portion is sold to local restaurants with proceeds supporting our seed-to-table program. 


The flavors of the farm are popping up in other locations!

除了全系列的产品外 根农场商店 在校园, we are proud to share that our signature Roots pasta sauce and delicious peach 萨尔萨舞 and jam are now available at 切斯特河葡萄酒和奶酪 在切斯特敦和 欢迎回家 在安纳波利斯. 



As a young girl, Sharon Hood (AKA 农民罩) dreamed of living on a farm and teaching. 今天, 作为根农场的主管, she is living her dream—sharing her passions for science and 服务 by helping young people understand where food comes from and inspiring them to be good citizens and responsible stewards of the land. 

农民罩, who holds a bachelor’s in communications and a master’s in education, had been teaching in McDonogh’s 较低的学校 for more than a decade when the concept for Roots was born in 2008. She jumped at the opportunity to be part of the grassroots effort, and her involvement ever since has been integral to the farm’s evolution. 在她的领导下, Roots has grown from a communal garden to a 10-acre agricultural haven for learning, 服务, 社区参与. 

From sunrise to sunset, 农民罩 is responsible for every aspect of the farm’s operations. She cares for the animals; maps out planting and harvesting seasons; hosts classes from every division, organizes volunteers; coordinates food donations and partnerships with local restaurants, 与麦当劳餐厅员工合作, 策划特别活动, 还有更多. 在每一次努力中, she passionately adheres to the farm’s guiding principle of “doing the greatest possible amount of good.”


马洛里·斯特利(又名斯特利大厨), 我们的烹饪技艺非凡, works with students of all ages to cultivate a connection between the produce they plant and harvest at Roots and the food they consume. She blends 20 years of experience as a professional chef with her passion for sustainable food practices into engaging culinary lessons using ingredients from the farm. Thanks to Chef Staley our Seed to Table program continues to grow! 

除了和学生一起工作, Chef Staley caters on-campus events with her creative recipes and collaborates with 农民罩 to source fresh and seasonal ingredients to local restaurants 和食物 pantries. She also utilizes seasonal fruits and produce from 根农场 to create jams, 酱汁, 萨尔萨舞, and baked goods that are available for purchase at the 根农场商店

加入Roots之前, Chef Staley’s creations delighted the palates of patrons at some of the finest restaurants in New York City, 华盛顿, D.C.大西洋城和巴尔的摩. 


Bonnie Britt (AKA Beekeeper Britt) has had a lifelong love of wildlife and a fascination with 昆虫s. She graduated from Louisiana State University with a BS in Renewable Natural Resources with an emphasis in Wildlife Ecology and Management. After receiving her teaching certification in Texas, she taught third-grade science and social studies before moving to Baltimore County to teach middle school science. 

Although she loves teaching, her true passion is in informal wildlife education. A founding member of the Greater Baltimore Beekeepers organization, Beekeeper Britt joined the 根农场 team in the fall of 2022. She thoroughly enjoys caring for Roots’ 13 hives and sharing her knowledge with the McDonogh community about the important role bees play in pollination 和食物 production.

在加入Roots团队之前, Beekeeper Britt led educational programs at the Alexandria Zoo in Louisiana and was the outreach coordinator at the Burke Lake Bird Banding Station in Michigan where she taught the public about migratory birds.